;; Ministries: Faith Presbyterian, McDonough GA


Sunday School

Sundays at 9am for all ages
Every Sunday morning our talented team of teachers is ready to help you and your family open up the world of God and start the Lord’s day right. We have classes for children (ages 3 to 8), youth (ages 9 to 18) and adults. Currently, our adult class is a book by book in-depth journey through the Old Testament led by Elder Steve Norton. Come grab a coffee and join us!

Women's Bible Study

Meeting Tuesday mornings at 10am and evenings at 6:30pm
Ladies, come join us on Tuesdays for an engaging time of deep Bible study and fellowship. We normally have two separate classes available - a morning and evening class. Snacks and coffee are provided. The studies are a mix between video-driven and workbook-driven, but all the studies focus on delving into a particular book of the Bible. Studies resume at the beginning of June. Currently, both classes are doing a study of 1 Peter by Jen Willkin called "A Living Hope In Christ." Learn more here.

Men's Bible Study

Meeting Thursday evenings at 7pm
Men, if you’re looking to find a circle of friendship, accountability, wisdom and spiritual growth, this is where you want to be! Our Men’s Bible study meets year round every Thursday evening. Currently, the men are studying the book of 1st John. Bring your Bibles and let’s dig deep.

Youth Hangouts

Every 2nd & 4th Saturday at 6pm
With over 20 years of youth ministry experience between them, Pastor John and his wife, Sara, along with other adult volunteers, lead our Saturday afternoon Youth Hangouts. There are exciting games, delicious snacks, challenging small groups and engaging bible devotions. The goal of Youth Hangouts is to provide students with a space to ask questions and grow in their faith and understanding of God’s word. All youth are encouraged to attend and bring a friend! (For grades 4th thru 12th, ages 9 to 18). **All youth leaders are trained adult church members with verified background checks**


Sunday School, Children’s Church, VBS and more
Our desire in Children’s Ministry is to see children develop the foundational building blocks of the faith through love, laughter and lessons that last a lifetime. To that end, we have several different opportunities for your child. Our Sunday School class (for ages 3 to 8) meets every Sunday at 9am. Our Children’s Church (for ages 3 to 6) starts just before the sermon during our worship service. And every Summer we host a week-long Vacation Bible School for ages 4 to 12. You can find out more about this year’s VBS here. **All children's workers & teachers are trained adult church members with verified background checks**

Home Fellowship Groups

Meeting in member's homes at various times
Our Home Fellowship Groups at Faith Presbyterian are one of the best ways you can connect, grow and find community. Several families have chosen to host these groups which meet at various times. Currently, all of our Home Fellowship Groups are full, but new groups will be opening up soon!


Sundays, 2:30 - 4:00pm
Griefshare is a powerful Christ-centered ministry for those who are suffering grief and loss. It’s a weekly support group that aims to help you on your journey of healing through Bible study, prayer and community. This small group is 13 weeks long and is being facilitated by Dody Morris. For more information and to register visit this link: www.griefshare.org

Chick-Fil-A Biscuit Giveaways

7 to 9am Select Fridays
In an effort to show the love of Christ to McDonough, every quarter we gather on a Friday morning to hand out free Chick-Fil-A biscuits to families on their way to work and school. We also invite families to pull up to our prayer tent and receive prayer, counseling and whatever else they need. If you’ve never been to one, drive on thru and snag a biscuit. If you’re new to Faith Presbyterian and looking for a way to connect, come help us hand out breakfast and hope to people in need. (Biscuit Giveaway Days for 2025 : Friday, Feb. 28th; Saturday, May 17th; Friday, August 22nd; Friday, Nov. 21st)

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